Can you give me your list of the single best exercises for every bodypart? I’m pressed for time all the time, but figured if I could create a circuit in which I hit every bodypart with one exercise and did it three times I could train my whole body this way two or three times a week. So, what do you think?
I’m asked variations of this question a lot and truthfully I’m reluctant to provide an answer. The reason is that no one exercise should be performed at the exclusion of others. Ideally you want to hit a muscle from a variety of angles to best strengthen, tone and develop it.
However, I do think that doing a circuit as you intend is certainly better than doing nothing, so I will provide you with the list you ask for. Keep in mind that just because an exercise meets my personal criteria doesn’t mean it’s right for you. For example. Whereas I might prefer barbell or dumbbell curls you might need to do preacher curls because of shoulder limitations. Only you know what works best for your body.
That being said, here is my list of “best” exercises, bodypart by bodypart:
- Chest- Dumbbell bench press
- Back- Barbell row
- Shoulders- Seated dumbbell press
- Biceps- Seated incline dumbbell curl
- Triceps- V-bar pressdown
- Abdominals- Bicycle kicks
- Thighs- Squat
- Calves-Standing calf raise