I’m a mother of three young children and don’t have the time to go to a gym but I want to get back into the kind of shape I was in before I had my first child seven years ago. So is it possible to get toned exercising at home with a minimum of equipment? I don’t have the resources to buy one of those home gym systems or the room.
You can absolutely get into great condition without joining a gym. Of course the advantage of gyms is that they have everything you could possibly need to work every bodypart all in one place. Still, there’s no reason you can’t get an effective workout with a few simple pieces of equipment and a little ingenuity.
One of the great new trends in fitness is the use of bands. They’re rubber tubing of varying thicknesses with handles or straps attached to the ends. What’s great about them is that they’re lightweight and portable and don’t take up much space, yet they can provide great resistance for people of a wide range of strength levels.
In addition to purchasing a set of bands I would recommend getting a chinning bar. Even if you can’t yet perform a chin, having a bar in a doorway gives you the chance try every time you pass under it. You can also do hanging leg raises from the bar.
You’ll also want a few pairs of dumbbells. Better yet, there are adjustable locking dumbbells that are like having several sets in one.
Finally, you’ll want a cushiony mat for floor work, like crunches and lying leg raises. All told you can spend less than $100 and have everything you need to give you great workouts for years.