Do you have any thoughts on cross fit training or the “300” workout? It seems that kettlebells, bands and unusual lifts with names like the Turkish Getup have overtaken traditional weight training in terms of popularity.
Honestly, I don’t know much about all of these new systems of training other than that they’re all variations on things we were doing decades ago.
When I first started lifting kettlebells were still making their first go-round. While they were good for odd lifts, the advent of dumbbells made them obsolete. In fact, kettlebells all but disappeared in the U.S. until the last ten years, when they’ve resurfaced as a ”new” training tool.
While we never used bands back in the old days we did perform various plyometric exercises and did unconventional lifts such as the two-hand anyhow and work with Indian clubs. All of these, in addition to the more traditional lifts, created a great combination of strength, balance and coordination.
So I am in support of trying a variety of techniques, so long as the end result is a stronger, fitter, better-built you!